Ed Beck replied to the topic Plugin Management in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for your response. I really appreciate your experience and you taking the time to share that.
Ed Beck started the topic Plugin Management in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 2 months ago
This week over in SUNY, we had a problem with a non-Commons In Box plugin that broke one of our subsites, to the point that we were unable to view the site or even view the backend to turn the plugin off.
It’s one of those worst case scenario moments, and everything is fine now, but it got Amanda and I thinking and talking about Plugin Management…[Read more]
Ed Beck started the topic WP Grade Posts breaking upgrade in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 3 months ago
We recently updated to the new point version of Commons in a Box OpenLab.
Our problem is that WP Grade Comments is breaking the upgrade process. When we went to the CBOX Dashboard and tried to upgrade plugins, all of the other plugins successfully upgraded themselves to the latest version except WP Grade Comments.
We got this error…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Invite New Members by Email restricted to non-OL members in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Bree!
Just wanted to chime in and say that looks like a really nice feature in development.
I like that it makes sure that the instructor doesn’t need to know who has an account or not, they can just bulk add a list of students, and then CBOX separates them into the two groups. “These users already have an account and are all set” “these…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Replacing the Wordpress Cron in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 10 months ago
Do you need a separate bug report or issue on Github that this particular cron job isn’t working by default? Are there any other OpenLab cron jobs that are missing from this list?
For the short term, I will add it manually from WP Crontrol.
Ed Beck replied to the topic Replacing the Wordpress Cron in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi Boone,
After installing WP Crontrol, there are only 12 cron jobs on my OpenLab site:
Hook, Recurrence
wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files, Once Hourly
wp_version_check, Twice Daily
wp_update_plugins, Twice Daily
wp_update_themes, Twice Daily
update_netowrk_counts, Twice Daily
ass_digest_event, Once…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Replacing the Wordpress Cron in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi Boone,
I just wanted to let you know, that at least for external sites, that is not our experience at all. Specifically for external sites that are syncing through RSS, our lived experience is that until someone specifically visits that group, no emails or notifications go out.
For example:
geneseo.sunycreate.cloud is an OpenLab running the…[Read more]
Ed Beck started the topic Replacing the Wordpress Cron in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi Everyone,
Last week, one my pilot instructors told me that emails from OpenLab were being sent out late or not at all. This led me down a rabbithole that I wanted to share, but it also left an important question. Has anyone turned off WordPress’ Auto Cron Job, and instead created a real Cron job that runs on a schedule.
WordPress is designed…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic The Universal Header on Subsites in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 11 months ago
If you look at this example:
I’m talking about the SUNY Oneonta logo that might not look as good on a shorter header. I also like the concept of a universal header, so it would be a bit of a bummer if my suggestion would be to turn off the header, but I also want a good fix for these students.
Ed Beck started the topic The Universal Header on Subsites in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 3 years, 11 months ago
Amanda, Boone and I have been having a conversation over on Github, and I thought I would bring it over to the public forums because more people interact here.
The issue we are seeing is how different themes deal with headers and header menus. With the current implementation of the OpenLab header:
- There is often a small white spacer and black…
Ed Beck replied to the topic Activity Stream on Individual Courses (Groups) in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years ago
I spent some time thinking about your problem today Troy.
Our Commons in a Box Openlab is hosted on Reclaim Hosting. One thing that I noticed early on about their blog, was that they used 1 Wordpress blog as a hub, but that was really just an aggregator, and when you clicked on the link, you actually were brought to each one of the team members…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic OpenLab Help pages in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 1 month ago
The theme is iKnow: https://wordpress.org/themes/iknow/
Yes, we just copy and pasted content since it was shared with a creative commons license. I guess eventually we will be able to clone from site to site. I’m happy to share anything I can if it is helpful, like I could share a backup file of what we are using. It is still a work in progress though!
Ed Beck replied to the topic Advice for de-network-activating plugins? in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 1 month ago
Are you able to do a database search?
Maybe you could try to search the database for the PDF embedder shortcode?
Ed Beck replied to the topic Requesting help with help pages in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
One of the things I learned from my exploration of the help pages was that City Tech uses a couple extra plugins on their server that seem to be required to make the OpenLab Help pages work properly.
For example. We couldn’t get the help pages to show up in the same order in the body and in the sidebar.
Later Bree comments on that…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Can Slug be Updated? in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi Syelle,
This isn’t possible using the front end controls of OpenLab, but it could be possible to do in the database. I asked that exact question on github. Read BooneBGorges Aug 7th response:
“There’s no place in the interface to change the ‘slug’ of a group type, because…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Help does not show in top menu when logged out of the OL in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi Bree,
I can reproduce a disappearing top menu on my site. Using the OpenLab theme:
The top menu does not always have graceful fallback for mobile responsive.
- On oneonta.sunycreate.cloud at Laptop Width (1024 px) the top menu is present at usable.
- When we drop down to iPad Width (768 px) the top menu disappears and is not usable.
Ed Beck replied to the topic Mega Menu PlugIns in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
Why is the network administration link disabled for super admins anyway?
I mean, I know I just have to add /network when I am on the menu, but it is a little weird at first. The only reason I knew where to go is I have managed Multisites before.
Ed Beck replied to the topic Mega Menu PlugIns in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi Greg,
You are locked into using a theme on the main site where you must use the OpenLab Theme.
However, on each subsite, you can use whatever themes you would like.
To do this, you have to install the themes and activate them from the network menu. For new admins this can be a little tricky, because OpenLab disables the link to the network…[Read more]
Ed Beck replied to the topic Member sorting no longer works in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 2 months ago
I can replicate on my site.
Ed Beck replied to the topic Snags when students create accounts in OpenLab in the forum
OpenLab Help & Support 4 years, 3 months ago
I’d echo what Bree said.
We whitelisted our IP address to make it easier.
If that isn’t an option, sometimes an SMTP mailer plugin can help, especially if you can get a dedicated email address like do-not-reply-commons@oneonta.edu
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