Hi Bree,
Helpful update! I rooted around in our dashboard and figured out that “Help” disappears from top nav when logged out only because it is the last menu item.
As a temporary fix, I moved “Calendar” to the far right, making calendar now the hidden one (screenshot), so users struggling to log in can now easily navigate to our “log-in” help doc.
Chris S. looked closer (at webpage source code, I think), and it appears that there is css code (display: none) in our cbox ol that is set to hide “My Profile” from the main nav (which again, instead hides whatever is at the end of the top nav).
From Chris:
“The last menu item is removed by CSS that has been added which has a note to hide “My Profile”
/* =============
* remove My Profile from main navigation. Right now it is added in as a li in the nav but has no id or class so the last-of-type selector used
* ============= */
#menu-main-menu-header li:last-of-type {
display: none;
Is there anything we can do to remove that/stop hiding our last menu item?
Thank you!
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