Forum Replies Created
October 15, 2013 at 10:53 am #3764
Daniel Jones
ParticipantYeah I feared that was the case. I’ve started diving into BuddyPress to try and figure it out.
Thanks Ray,
DanAugust 24, 2013 at 5:48 pm #3523Daniel Jones
ParticipantOkay sorry quick update: turns out I’m only getting the problem on my staging site, not on my live site. Very strange.
August 24, 2013 at 5:42 pm #3522Daniel Jones
ParticipantI’m also having this problem- any time I try to read or edit a Doc that I’ve created, it redirects me to the home page. I’m also running WP Engine.
Last time I had an error that others couldn’t reproduce (involving the Invite Anyone plugin) it had to do with the version of PHP that WP Engine is running. I wonder if that’s also the case here. I’ll do some more investigation, but just wanted to flag this as not being an isolated case.
Thanks for the tip on Rewrite Rules Inspector. It looks like the rewrite rules are being loaded correctly, or at least like they’re very similar to the other rewrite rules listed, which are working properly.
August 24, 2013 at 1:52 pm #3519Daniel Jones
ParticipantThanks for the reply, Boone!
If I manage to figure something out that doesn’t suck for sharing with individual site members or sharing with more than one group, I’ll make sure to share it.
I’ll also take a look at what it’s my skill-range for auto-populating permissions based on the parent doc.
Thanks again, and let me know if there’s anything I can help with on this moving forward.
August 21, 2013 at 2:24 pm #3506Daniel Jones
ParticipantYou know I think you’re basically right, Matthew. There’s still a couple of things that I think would be nice to have though, although not of all of it seems like it would make sense for BP Docs.
1- Being able to share with other site individual site members and then manage their permissions. That would probably break the way permissions on docs are set up now, since it’d require more granular control in terms of who can do what.
2- Being able to share a doc with more than one group. An example from my users is we have a study group with two cohorts, one meeting this summer and one in the Fall. We decided it made sense to create two different groups for the two cohorts, but the readings for the study are the same for each. It would have been great to be able to upload the readings once and share them with both groups, although it worked fine to just upload them twice and wasn’t too much of a headache. Just to flag I really like that there’s the option when sharing with a group to give certain permissions just to admins and mods- that’s awesome. Thinking about this with #1, I think what’d be ideal is a section for managing individual permissions, and then keep the section for managing group permissions basically the same, with the addition of the ability to share with more than one group.
3- I see how the parent/child doc functionality could mimic a folder/subfolder structure, but it’d be nice if there was a way to automatically handle permissions as well. Maybe there already is. What I mean is a way (maybe even just a checkbox that gets read on submit?) to tell a parent doc to set the given permissions for itself and for all of its children. Then children could have their permissions set afterwords. That might be hard to work out with the sharing with individual members though.
4- I think my last issue is just that I want to keep the wiki separate from the file sharing space. While BP Docs clearly already does a lot and has even more potential as a file sharing solution, I feel like it could get messy having wiki pages in the mix there with the file sharing space. What I’d really like to have/build is something that was focused on sharing files in its own space (like its own tab on the group home pages and user profiles) separate from the wiki-ness of docs.August 21, 2013 at 1:26 pm #3505Daniel Jones
ParticipantHey all,
I’m having similar issues with the theme options editor as people above. If it helps at all here’s the javascript error that I get when I load up the options page:
[12:40:03.853] TypeError: $(…).icextOptionUploader is not a function @
So I think for some reason cbox-theme/ICE/ext/options/upload/template.js isn’t getting read, because that’s where icextOptionUploader is defined/jQuery is extended to include it ($.fn.icextOptionUploader = …). I don’t know why that is/probably don’t know enough about Infinity theming engine to figure it out but will take a crack at it. Maybe someone else knows better though? Also would that only fix the upload problems or would it take care of the broken link, etc. stuff as well.
August 21, 2013 at 1:03 pm #3502Daniel Jones
ParticipantHmm that’s an interesting thought…groups could build something like a directory structure using multiple attachments and the parent/child doc functionality.
However, there are still a couple of features- like being able to share one file/a group of files (“folder”) with multiple users and groups without needing upload it more than once, and then being able to give those people whom the file was shared with the ability to edit who has permission to do what with it, that’d be nice to have.
What my users are really hankering after is something that can replace Google Drive (not necessarily including the document creation/editing capabilities) for the work that we do related to our commons. So people being able to upload documents to their own space, then share it with individuals and groups as they see fit and give at least the indivuals different permissions (including the ability to manage permissions). Groups could see the files and “folders” that were shared with them in one place, and individuals could as well (although maybe in a separate tab/place than the files that they’ve uploaded, and maybe with things that were shared with them directly being in a different place than things which were shared with them because they belong to a group).
That’s super specific though, and something we’d probably have to build ourselves. Until we can do that though I was just wondering what kinds of things related to file sharing were being worked on already that I could help out with where I can.
August 21, 2013 at 12:52 pm #3500Daniel Jones
ParticipantThe new slider looks and works great! Thanks so much for your work on the Bowe and others.
One issue I’m having is that it’s throwing an error saying that ‘cmb_initialize_cmb_meta_boxes’ is not a valid callback when features-slider/setup.php calls
add_action( 'init', 'cmb_initialize_cmb_meta_boxes', 9999 );
Everything works (and works great!), but that error shows up, even when I have WP_DEBUG set to false and/or commented out in wp-config. The way I’ve fixed it for now is by taking the cmb_initialize_cmb_meta_boxes function from metaboxes/example-functions.php and copying it right into features-slider/setup.php, below the add_action call to it, with a quick change in it so that it keeps referencing the file it needs (metaboxes/init.php). This seems like a bad solution, so if you have thoughts about a better way to fix it that’d be great. I’m running on a WP Engine staging site.
Really digging the ability to hide the caption, link to an external URL, and embed videos!
August 15, 2013 at 8:12 pm #3431Daniel Jones
ParticipantWell for what it’s worth I found a solution for this problem. I think the reason others may have had trouble reproducing it is that it only shows up on certain versions of PHP. My host (WP Engine) is running 3.5.2, which I think doesn’t allow for modifying overloaded properties, while some earlier and later versions of PHP don’t have that issue.
I’ll put my fix here in case any one else runs into this issue/is using WP Engine.
Go into the Invite Anyone plugin’s folder in via SSH or (S)FTP (/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone) and then into the ‘by-email’ folder, then open ‘by-email.php’ and search for “$bp->site_options.” You should see a comment about a “royal hack until there is a filter on bp_get_signup_allowed()”
Find this else if statement:
else if ( !empty( $bp->site_options['registration'] ) && $bp->site_options['registration'] == 'none' )
And inside of it replace this line:
$bp->site_options['registration'] = 'user';
$auxiliary_array = array(); foreach( $bp->site_options as $key => $value ) { if ( $key == 'registration' ) { $auxiliary_array[$key] = 'user'; } else { $auxiliary_array[$key] = $value; } } $bp->site_options = $auxiliary_array;
This is for the specific case of allowing user registration without allowing users to create sites, but you ought to be able to figure out what changes you have to make for that from this.
Please let me know if this isn’t something I should have done so I can change it back and find another solution.
June 8, 2013 at 9:22 am #2848Daniel Jones
ParticipantI was having the same issue and can confirm that this fixed it (at least for me)! I had tried something similar earlier on but it ended up hiding a couple of other elements as well. It seems like that is not the case with this one.
Thanks Scott!
June 4, 2013 at 1:12 am #2831Daniel Jones
ParticipantThose three sections on the home page are all widget-areas, so you could just replace the “Recent Comments” widget with another one in the widget administration pages. Judging by your description that should be the “Homepage Right” widget area for you. My CBOX came with that widget area set to “Recent Network-Wide Posts” by default, which might be what you’re looking for, or you could just replace it with the “Recent Posts” one, which I think would just take posts from the root site.
I’m not sure how you exactly you would change the functionality of the “Recent Comments” widget, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to find the code for it and with a little bit of research on the WordPress Codex find out how to make it display some of the content as well as the title.
Hope that helps!
DanJune 2, 2013 at 11:28 pm #2828Daniel Jones
ParticipantSorry to double-post (again).
I’m totally stumped. I’ve disabled every plug-in except for Commons in a Box, deleted Commons in a Box and all of the plugins it comes with and the CBOX theme, and then re-installed Commons in a Box and the theme, and am still getting the same error.
Does anyone have an idea of even where the culprit could be? Seems like it would have to be either in my settings or somewhere in my WordPress install itself. Site registration is disabled but Invite Anyone is set to bypass that setting and allow registration. I still think that it’s something about not being able to set the site_options[‘registration’] value from ‘none’ to ‘user’ because of the “Indirect modification of overloaded property BuddyPress::$site_options has no effect” error, but I don’t know what could be causing that if the plugin is working for you, Ray.
Any help would be great, we’re trying to avoid opening the site up to registration and keep it limited to the people we invite.
June 1, 2013 at 9:27 pm #2820Daniel Jones
ParticipantDarn I was afraid that might be the case!
I’m using multisite. I tried switching from my child theme back to the default and still got the same error, and also tried disabling the plugins that seemed relevant/that I had installed after the last successful registration.
May 31, 2013 at 6:16 pm #2816Daniel Jones
ParticipantTurning on debugging brings up the following error: “Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property BuddyPress::$site_options has no effect in /nas/wp/www/staging/upoor/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php on line 1246”
It seems like this is line that’s causing trouble:
else if ( !empty( $bp->site_options[‘registration’] ) && $bp->site_options[‘registration’] == ‘none’ ) {
$bp->site_options[‘registration’] = ‘user’;
}A dump of the $bp global show that site_options[‘registration’] is in fact set to none. Anyone have thoughts on what I could try next? Can’t seem to pass “$bp->site_options[‘registration’]” by reference, which is probably a good thing.
May 10, 2013 at 1:10 am #2634Daniel Jones
ParticipantHmm I’m far far far from qualified to really help on this, but I can do my best.
Assuming you kept all the defaults, the forums should be being managed through the bbpress plugin. I haven’t digged around in that code much, so I’m not sure where to point you farther than that.
In my (very limited) experience, a totally blank page usually means some kind of fatal PHP error- a missing semi-colon, undeclared variable, etc., so it might even be worth running the relevant .php files through the basic php debugger.
Did you do anything special to the forums? Add on any extra functionality through a plugin or something similar?
Sorry I can’t be of more help!
Dan -