Christian Wach replied to the topic Pesky bio (description) box in standard WP profile in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
Hi @troy, I think the most recent attempt to address this is #7162 xProfile field support for WordPress Profile Fields but there hasn’t been any movement on it recently. BP XProfile WordPress User Sync has always worked fine for situations where I want to enforce real names across the site and need them to stay in sync with WordPress.
Syncing the…[Read more]
Christian Wach replied to the topic Pesky bio (description) box in standard WP profile in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
@troy I assume you’re referring to my BP XProfile WordPress User Sync plugin here. If so (and I understand your goal correctly) then you’d need to code the description sync yourself. I didn’t include this in the plugin because of the mismatch between the Rich Text BuddyPress field and the standard textarea in WordPress.
Can you elaborate on…[Read more]
Christian Wach replied to the topic Deactivating bbpress in sub-sites in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
@troy The way it’s been recommended on this forum previously is to create a simple mu-plugin with the following code in it:
function cbox_remove_forums_from_child_sites( $plugins ) {
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if ( is_multisite() AND ! is_main_site() ) {
return $plugins;
add_filter( 'site_option_active_sitewide_plugins',… -
Christian Wach replied to the topic Child theming and files in the /engine/includes folder in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
@troy You’re right that none of these files can be overridden by placing modified versions in your child theme. However, this needn’t prevent you from implementing your modifications.
templatetags.php to implement Boone’s fix of the xprofile group tabs on the front-end edit screen. This one will be fixed in the next version, so I’m not so wor…
Christian Wach replied to the topic Hierarchical display of groups docs/site wiki in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
Thanks for posting a solution @troy
Christian Wach replied to the topic Custom Post Types and CBOX Theme in the forum Help & Support 8 years, 2 months ago
Hi @troy in my experience, the CBOX theme behaves no differently to other WordPress themes when it comes to CPTs – if you want full control over their appearance, then you’ll need to add the template files that you mention. I would, of course, recommend that you work with a child theme so that you leave the parent theme untouched.
Christian Wach replied to the topic Updates/wp-debug errors in the forum Help & Support 8 years, 2 months ago
@troy None of the PHP notices you’re seeing should generate an “Application Error” since they’re, well, only notices. Do you have access to the logs at the point where you see the error occur? If not, can you add the following two lines to ‘wp-config.php’ when
:define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
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define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', t…