Iurie Malai replied to the topic Networkwide header/footer in the forum Help & Support 10 years, 1 month ago
Jeanette, can you share this?
Scott Voth replied to the topic Networkwide header/footer in the forum Help & Support 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi @jinxius Jeanette –
The CUNY Academic Commons was developed much before CBOX, and has a lot of customized code, and is not using the CBOX theme. So there is not a setting in CBOX that you are overlooking. I think you would probably need to create a child theme and make some template changes to achieve consistent footers on your blog s…[Read more]
Ray replied to the topic Theme Options issues in the forum Help & Support 11 years ago
@jinxius – I’ve noticed this too on occasion. I’ve found that refreshing the CBOX Theme options page fixes this. Hit F5 if you’re in Windows or ⌘+R if you’re on a Mac and let me know what happens.
Ray replied to the topic Theme Options issues in the forum Help & Support 11 years ago
@visionsynergy @jinxius – I fixed Sam’s red “X” problem by reinstalling WordPress.
Your problems are less severe, but still annoying.
Regarding the choosing / uploading a logo issue, to workaround this, please try the following steps:
* Upload the image that you want to use in the Media Library
* Navigate to the CBOX Theme Options page and…[Read more]