Basem Aly replied to the topic Member ID number in profile URL in the forum
Help & Support 6 years, 8 months ago
Thank you, Ray. That was extremely helpful. I fixed it with a MySQL query.
Basem Aly replied to the topic Member ID number in profile URL in the forum
Help & Support 6 years, 8 months ago
After digging around a bit, I realized that some users are identified by their username, while others are identified by their ID number. I’m not sure what’s causing the difference. It seems their user profiles have the same type of information. However, when I try to look at my user, for example, I can only access my profile using my ID number but…[Read more]
Basem Aly started the topic Member ID number in profile URL in the forum
Help & Support 6 years, 8 months ago
Hello. I’m not precisely sure how member profile URL’s are generated. When I click on a user’s profile I get the URL https://commons.pratt.edu/members/xxxxxxx/profile/ where ‘xxxxxx’ is their internal school ID number. We’re not allowed to expose this number, even for internal audiences. Is there a way to mask or replace that ID? It’s not an…[Read more]
Vicki Casey and
Basem Aly are now friends 7 years ago
Basem Aly replied to the topic Wrong time in daily digest emails in the forum
Help & Support 7 years ago
I think I’ve narrowed-down the problem of having the wrong server time for email digests. Under the “Group Email Subscription Options” page, I found this message:
“<i>The server timezone is UTC (UTC); the current server time is 3:10pm (15:10); and the day is Monday.”</i>
How would I change the timezone listed here?
Basem Aly started the topic Network-enabled Buddypress vs. sub-sites in the forum
Help & Support 7 years ago
I saw the Buddypress link describing different ways to activate Buddypress on Multisite networks. Is there a definitive set of “best practices” for deploying Commons in a Box & Buddypress on Multisite, specifying which plugins should be network activated and which could be sub-site activated?
When run a performance profiler on our network…[Read more]
Basem Aly started the topic Wrong time in daily digest emails in the forum
Help & Support 7 years ago
Despite setting the correct time zone and time on our Multisite top site, some of my users are reporting that their Buddypress Daily Digest emails are showing their activities happening during the wrong times. Is there a different place to set activity times other than under the top site’s “Settings–> General” area in the Dashboard?
Basem Aly replied to the topic LDAP support in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 2 months ago
After struggling for a few months trying to get LDAP to work for authentication, I ended up using Active Directory Integration. My bosses now want to revisit trying to use LDAP again. Can anyone suggest a plugin that might work? I had previously tried Simple LDAP (see my message above), but had no luck.
Basem Aly replied to the topic Blank white screen when managing users in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 3 months ago
Here’s what I found when I turned “Extended Profiles” back on. I turned on the Debugging Log and looked in the httpd-error log. There weren’t any errors in the Httpd-error log.
Here’s the output I got from the WP debug log. The first error refers to a custom plugin we created that lets us mass-import new users into a group. We had tested it…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Blank white screen when managing users in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 3 months ago
I finally tracked down the culprit that returns a blank screen whenever I try to promote or remove a member. It’s the “Extended Profiles” component of Buddypress. This is after updating all my plugins and disabling everything related to BB groups. Hopefully the “Extended Profiles” will be fixed soon.
Basem Aly replied to the topic Blank white screen when managing users in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 5 months ago
Thanks, but it doesn’t seem to have worked. I deactivated then deleted the Logout Redirect plugin, but I’m still getting the same white screen. Now in addition to the white screen when trying to promote/ demote members, I’m getting the white screen when trying to change a Group from Private to Public. Any more help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Basem Aly started the topic Blank white screen when managing users in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 6 months ago
I’m suddenly getting a blank white screen whenever I try to promote or remove a user from a group. When I turned-on debugging, the only messages I saw were about an unrelated logout redirect. I’m not sure how to proceed. Can anyone give me an idea of what to try next? Or alternatively, how I can manually promote or remove users from the DB in the…[Read more]
Basem Aly started the topic User roles in sub-sites in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 6 months ago
We’ve got several custom roles (students, staff, faculty, alumni) created using User Role Editor Pro in our main Commons site. However, when anyone creates a sub-site, and they get to the blog setup screen, their default member options only include the default roles (admin, editor, author, contributor, subscriber). So when any current user logs-in…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
Oh cool. Thanks it worked when I removed the hyphen in the URL. It’s weird, however since if you use the ordinary group-creation menus and decide to add a blog to your group, then the blog takes your group name and replaces hyphens with spaces. How can you create a straight blog (without associated group) with hyphens in the URL?
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
This is getting strange… I tried creating a site with some of the “Additional Privacy settings” and with “New Blog Templates” activated, and when I filled-in the site create form, It returned me to the same page without evidently doing anything. I tried it again with “New Blog Templates” disabled and got the same non-response, saying”There was a…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
OK I disabled both “New Blog Templates” and reduced the “Additional Privacy Options” and I also disabled my cache plugin (WP Super Cache), and when the radio buttons worked; when I re-enabled the “New Blog Templates” plugin, the radio buttons still seem to be working. So this might be a cache issue, or something in “additional privacy options.” It…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
Looking at it again, it’s strange to me that the Privacy settings are split by the template selection appearing in between the Privacy settings radio buttons. Could this mean the “Blog Template” plugin might be interfering with the css for the privacy settings? I’ll disable blog templates and see how it affects the privacy settings.
Are other…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
Hi, sorry I camping for a few days. The strange thing is the top 2 radio buttons under ” I would like my site to appear in search engines, and in public listings around this network. ” My mouse turns into the pointer icon, which means the browser recognizes it as a clickable entity, but nothing actually works.
Basically, I’d love some way to…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Radio button for Privacy not-selectable in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to adjust the privacy options when setting up a new blog. I’m using the “More Privacy Options” plugin, but it seems the options conflict (or at least are confusing) with the privacy options above them (see the attached screenshot). What is the best way to remove the first set of options so that only the…[Read more]
Basem Aly replied to the topic Adding a page in a sub-site takes me to the main site in the forum
Help & Support 9 years, 7 months ago
It looks like it’s an issue with the theme I was using.
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