We have course hubs, which are designed to be more evergreen than normal courses, and have no term.
In course profile > settings > term > save changes, the term field seems delete-able. However, after deleting the term and saving, if we go back to course profile > settings > [make any other change, or even no change at all] > save changes, the term field reverts: it gets auto-populated with whatever term we have coming up at that time (currently Spring 2021). “Save Changes” then makes that upcoming term show in the course profile, even if we left the field alone.
Is this expected behavior, or more of a bug?
In the meantime, as a workaround, we are putting “course hub” in the term field, which is redundant, but an okay solution.
Linked below is a very short screencast (no sound) of what it looks like when an empty term gets re-populated with the upcoming semester:
Video: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/rec/share/kfngkQ0arlb-MHOzXIxSAAqiao3lF9Gz3BPRMsz3nTZrnXNgTZYN_pShCyaZmAGv.iLbByMYO0I2k5H8e?startTime=1607369342000
Thanks for your help!
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