Priscilla Stadler started the topic Urgent: Problem with Word Pasting in Forum Posts in the forum Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I’m covering admin of a basic buddy press for a colleague who’s out sick, and could use an answer immediately if anyone can help.
Is there a way to avoid having wp display MSWord’s code? It seems to happen sometimes but not all the time when text is pasted directly into the forum topics from word.
We know it can be avoided by a workaround:…[Read more]
Priscilla Stadler replied to the topic Hosting Recommendations? in the forum Help & Support 12 years ago
Thanks for your suggestions. We’re researching a few options and wpengine is among them, so it’s great to hear from folks who actually use it!
Priscilla Stadler started the topic Hosting Recommendations? in the forum Help & Support 12 years ago
We’re shopping for external server hosting for an upcoming CBOX project at LaGuardia CC. Here are some of the characteristics we’re looking for in a host:
*wordpress savviness to ensure troubleshooting wp updates, […] -
Priscilla Stadler joined the group CBOX Classic Support 12 years ago
Priscilla Stadler became a registered member 12 years ago