Alicia V replied to the topic Forum breaking in smartphone in the forum
Help & Support 11 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for your response but I was not clear.
The bbpress forum breaks up in my smartphone when I use the commons in a box theme.
Avada is not usable at all with your plugin since their theme core plugin (Fusion Core) conflicts with your plugin. However just bbpress and Avada works like a charm in harmony together what ever device I throw their…[Read more]
Alicia V started the topic Forum breaking in smartphone in the forum
Help & Support 11 years, 3 months ago
I just stumbled across the Commons the other day and have tried to set it up on two different test sites. One fresh and one with other stuff attached to it and I come across multiple problems.
For one lots of plugins I’m already am using scream murder when i try to install them on top on the commons. If already installed they seem to be more…[Read more]
Alicia V joined the group
CBOX Classic Support 11 years, 3 months ago
Alicia V became a registered member 11 years, 3 months ago