On this page, you’ll see announcements that administrators and moderators have left for the group.
hoenera posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 1 month ago
HI, This is probably a more general question, but I’m unable to find where I can make changes to the “multisite” menu/ or is it a buddy press menu, that appears just below the browser header. On this page I’m seeing the wordpress W and Commons in a Box. On my installation I’d like to include a link back the the main site, ideally replacing the…[Read more]
Giannis posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Great job. I just created a Doc.Have a look. In the profile menu appear: Docs 4, when in fact there is 1.This will be an issue. Thank you.
Amelia Manders posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Just an FYI, I can never get to the second page of this group’s forum. It says “Oh bother! No topics were found here!”
Mary posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Another question. This is not unique to commons in a box but buddypress docs will not update and I have been unable to learn when it might resolve on the wordpress forums. Anyone here know anything about why buddypress docs will not complete its migration? Many thanks
Hi Mary – are you having difficulties installing or activating BuddyPress Docs plugin? I’m not sure what you mean by completing its migration. Let me know. Thanks.
Hi Scott, docs installed just fine with the latest version but I (and others according to the forum at Wordpress) are seeing the following note
”Thanks for updating BuddyPress Docs. We need to run a few quick operations before your new Docs is ready to use.
Click here to start the upgrade.”
And when we proceed to upgrade ithe screen says…[Read more]-
Thanks. I bet the developers already know about this – but I will write up a ticket just in case. Thanks so much for testing!
Just heard back – “Yes, it’s a known issue. It doesn’t actually cause any harm. Until the
issue is fixed, people can just ignore the message.”-
Thank you, Scott. I am guessing they don’t know when it will be resolved yet.
Also, thank you for this great concept, once the bugs are worked out it will be awesome
Mary posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
This is a commons in a box theme question. While I have enabled sliders in the slider option of the toolbox and defined the categories I want to use, no slides appear. Is there a custom field I need to use or am I just missing something really simply? the website is Any help is much appreciated
Kathy Tarochione posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
OMG, I just updated the BuddyPress and my whole site crashed. Here is the error message. Help!! Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/content/71/9796971/html/harrisoninsiders/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 777
Fatal error: Class ‘BP_Group_Extension’ not found in…[Read more]
Kathy Tarochione posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Can you help with where is the documentation on setting up the slider?
Santhosh posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Thank you very much for the Great Plugin & Theme.
Installed it on localhost with sidebar on left.
How can i add a sidebar to the right after or inside the content div.
thanks:-) -
Ovidiu posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi there,
Just installed this plugin and am having a few questions:1. is this the right place for support or should I post in the wordpress forums?
2. The WIKI link was automatically added to my menu although I chose not to activate the WIKI plugin.
3. It seems the bbpress forum plugin is recommended but that sounds contradictory to the BP…[Read more] -
Chrissi posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
I’ve loaded cbox and am having some difficulty getting the homepage to appear like the demo. Any ideas? The fields aren’t appearing — it just looks like a blank blog post at this point.
Hi Chrissi – I’m wondering if maybe you haven’t installed the CBOX theme? Do you see the Commons In A Box logo in the header? If not, you’ll need to install our theme (or any other BuddyPress compatible theme). Let us know if this is the issue, or not and we can look further… Thanks
Hi, Scott. Thanks for your message. I wound up having to delete and replace the homepage and then link up to the “homepage template” within the pages section of my dashboard. This worked out for the homepage, but not for the blog page. I added a bunch of elements to the blog sidebar that just aren’t appearing for whatever reason. I’m going to keep…[Read more]
Glad you are enjoying CBOX! There are a ton of widgetized areas in the theme. Make sure you are using the one called “Blog Sidebar.” By default, it should have 3 widgets pre-installed. Let us know if you are still stuck. Thanks.
Thanks — I have both “Blog Sidebar” and “Blogs Sidebar” — currently have the widgets in the singular version and they aren’t appearing. I’ll let you know if I can figure it out. Thanks again!
I’m new to this theme as well 🙂 – so if you are using a page to display your Blogs – the widgetized area is “Page Sidebar”. And when you click on a specific blog post, the widgetized area is “Blog Sidebar”. And when you configure your site so that the it opens up to your blogs, I would assume that widgetized area is “Blogs Sidebar” (plural) -…[Read more]
Still struggling to get the blog sidebars to show the widgets. I’ve now changed the blog page to “news”, but set the page attributes to the “blog template” so I’m not sure where I am going wrong. It’s still only showing the “page sidebars.” Thanks for your help and patience!! 🙂
Amelia Manders posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi again,
It seems a bit confusing the way the admin menu items are laid out. BuddyPress Invitations, BuddyPress Docs, Site Features and Bebop are out at the same level as Commons In A Box, but Group Email Options and Group Documents are under BuddyPress. When you click on BuddyPress is says:
Don’t worry! We’ve moved the BuddyPress options…[Read more]
Sarah Dickin posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
I just installed Cbox and am having problems with the theme. When I go to configure theme and click on ‘Start’ or ‘Options’ I get taken to an empty page with a ‘0’. I would appreciate help with this issue, thanks.
Hi Sarah,
Apologies for the late reply. It’s better to post these types of questions in the forum: you still experience this issue?
Amelia Manders posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
The cropping of Avatar images seems really funky. It puts a second copy of the image over the image you are trying to crop and they don’t line up. So it’s really hard to see what you are going to end up with.
thanks for reporting this! We know why this is happening. We will fix this in the next update, but it is actually a host issue. Please tell you host about this issue and they should be able to fix it for you:
This is a known issue and we’ll try and get this updated in the next version. It’s kind of a complicated problem but I’ll make sure it will be more usable in Beta 2 of the theme 🙂
Sarah Dickin posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I just installed CBox, but when I go to configure the Cbox theme, I get an empty page with the 4 boxes (Start, Options, etc.). I click on these boxes but they take me to an empty page with just a ‘0’. I have tried reinstalling CBox a few times, but otherwise I’m not sure what to do. (the website is
Amelia Manders posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
After the installation of CBox I immediately received this notification.
Thanks for updating BuddyPress Docs. We need to run a few quick operations before your new Docs is ready to use.
Click here to start the upgrade.
When I start the upgrade it just gets stuck in a loop of refreshing the screen over and over.
Any advice?
Hi Amelia,
I’ve encountered this bug myself. I’m going to forward this issue to the developer.
Thanks for posting!
Hi Amelia,
Thanks so much for downloading CBOX and jumping in. We appreciate your support! Our Development team is working their way through various tasks we’ll take a look at your question soon.
Hi hoenera,
The WP icon is a WordPress thing; you could probably use any WP Toolbar customizing plugin to remove it.
Check a few of them out here:
Note: I haven’t tested any of these.
Also, feel free in the…[Read more]