Mary posted an update in the group
CBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago
Another question. This is not unique to commons in a box but buddypress docs will not update and I have been unable to learn when it might resolve on the wordpress forums. Anyone here know anything about why buddypress docs will not complete its migration? Many thanks
Hi Mary – are you having difficulties installing or activating BuddyPress Docs plugin? I’m not sure what you mean by completing its migration. Let me know. Thanks.
Hi Scott, docs installed just fine with the latest version but I (and others according to the forum at Wordpress) are seeing the following note
Thanks for updating BuddyPress Docs. We need to run a few quick operations before your new Docs is ready to use.
Click here to start the upgrade.”
And when we proceed to upgrade ithe screen says “migrating” and continues on endlessly. The status bar flashes quickly indicating the program is accessing various locations including the host site but it never completes. This is not unique to commons in a box, it appears others are having similar problems for the last five days or so.
Thanks. I bet the developers already know about this – but I will write up a ticket just in case. Thanks so much for testing!
Just heard back – “Yes, it’s a known issue. It doesn’t actually cause any harm. Until the
issue is fixed, people can just ignore the message.”
Thank you, Scott. I am guessing they don’t know when it will be resolved yet.
Also, thank you for this great concept, once the bugs are worked out it will be awesome