• Chrissi posted an update in the group Group logo of CBOX Classic SupportCBOX Classic Support 12 years, 3 months ago

    I’ve loaded cbox and am having some difficulty getting the homepage to appear like the demo. Any ideas? The fields aren’t appearing — it just looks like a blank blog post at this point.

    • Hi Chrissi – I’m wondering if maybe you haven’t installed the CBOX theme? Do you see the Commons In A Box logo in the header? If not, you’ll need to install our theme (or any other BuddyPress compatible theme). Let us know if this is the issue, or not and we can look further… Thanks

      • Hi, Scott. Thanks for your message. I wound up having to delete and replace the homepage and then link up to the “homepage template” within the pages section of my dashboard. This worked out for the homepage, but not for the blog page. I added a bunch of elements to the blog sidebar that just aren’t appearing for whatever reason. I’m going to keep playing, but if you have any advice, I’d love to hear it! Thanks again for your hard work on this and for sharing cbox — it’s awesome!

    • Glad you are enjoying CBOX! There are a ton of widgetized areas in the theme. Make sure you are using the one called “Blog Sidebar.” By default, it should have 3 widgets pre-installed. Let us know if you are still stuck. Thanks.

      • Thanks — I have both “Blog Sidebar” and “Blogs Sidebar” — currently have the widgets in the singular version and they aren’t appearing. I’ll let you know if I can figure it out. Thanks again!

    • I’m new to this theme as well 🙂 – so if you are using a page to display your Blogs – the widgetized area is “Page Sidebar”. And when you click on a specific blog post, the widgetized area is “Blog Sidebar”. And when you configure your site so that the it opens up to your blogs, I would assume that widgetized area is “Blogs Sidebar” (plural) – though I’ll have to test that one out. Hope this helps.

      • Still struggling to get the blog sidebars to show the widgets. I’ve now changed the blog page to “news”, but set the page attributes to the “blog template” so I’m not sure where I am going wrong. It’s still only showing the “page sidebars.” Thanks for your help and patience!! 🙂