Basic System Requirements
- You need to have WordPress installed on your site.
- You need full access to the underlying file system (Sites on won’t work).
Hosting Concerns
You will probably not want to run CBOX on a plain vanilla host, especially if you plan to have a large membership. You may be disappointed in the performance. A more robust VPN host may be more appropriate. Some IT departments may be reluctant to install open source products on institutional servers. You may want to look for third part hosting if that is the case.
Types of CBOX Users
There are three basic types of CBOX users, and code is in place to identify each, and recognize their specific needs. The types are:
- Users who have a single instance of WordPress installed
- Users who have a multi-site instance installed
- Users who are already running BuddyPress
The CBOX will tailor the installation process for each of these types.
Ready to Get Started?
- Click on Download page, read the instructions, and click on the green button to download the CBOX install script onto your computer.
- Review the list of recommended and optional plugins, found in our documentation (see sidebar menu). Determine which ones you want to install. (You can always change your mind later, but it’s best be a bit familiar with what they do.)
- Decide what theme you are going to use. You will need a BuddyPress theme. If you are not already running BuddyPress, we recommend the CBOX default theme. If you are running BuddyPress, you can keep your own theme, or choose the CBOX default theme. CBOX requires a BuddyPress theme.
- Follow the steps highlighted in the Installation Guide.