Hi Everyone,
My name is Ed Beck, and I work at SUNY Oneonta. I lead a cross SUNY collaboration called SUNY Create that uses Reclaim Hosting to build websites with students classes and projects.
SUNY Geneseo and SUNY Oneonta are kicking the tires on OpenLab for potential use, and we wanted to to further align our OpenLab websites to match our institution’s branding. Both sites are set up as subdomain multisites.
Our first instinct was to use the custom CSS in the customizer to change things.
Amanda at Geneseo made a lot of headway making her Openlab look great with Geneseo colors.
Where this method really breaks down however is specifically the toolbar on subdomains. Because the subdomain pulls that sites custom css file, and not the main site, the changes to the toolbar disappear.
Our second thought was to create a new “color” category.
So instead of having red.css, blue.css, and green.css, there would also be a geneseo.css that we could select from the customizer. We thought that doing a simple search and replace, we could copy 99% of one of the color scheme websheets, and just replace all of certain colors for our institutions branding.
We were able to create the files, but where I got stuck was, I couldn’t find where to add my new geneseo.css and toolbar-geneseo.css to the customizer menu.
Third thought was to make a child theme.
I’ve made child themes before, usually using one of the child theme generator plugins, but I have never done it on a theme as complicated as OpenLab. When I made an automatically generated child theme using two of the more popular child theme generator plugins, a couple things on the website got a little wonky, like the slider’s text.
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I think that the solution should actually be a combination of 2 and 3, but I am having a little trouble figuring out where to start. Any suggestions or words of encouragement?