I have two questions regarding member registration that are still unresolved.
1) When members enter their first and last names as username, the Commons in a Box theme places a dash in between first and last name instead of a space (i.e., “John-Doe” instead of “John Doe”). This causes considerable trouble for many new members. Is there a way to allow the empty space? I do know that other WordPress sites do allow an empty space, but in ours it’s not happening.
2) What exactly does a new member need to do in order to show up in the list of active members? Oddly enough, some people who have done nothing other than get registered immediately showed up in the members list that is visible to all members, but others show up only in our WangGuard list or the dashboard, which are visible only to administrators. I want to be able to tell new members exactly what they need to do in order to be visible to other members.
All of this pertains to Commons Abundance Network, http://commonsabundance.net.
Also thank you for answers already given in the past!