I love commons in a box and am really satisfied with the overall stability, reliability and the ease of use.
There is one thing I did not figure out yet, and I am not sure what I should do: The content of my site is hidden for users that are not logged in. Only site administrators are able to send out invites to new members, using the user creation in the wordpress-backend. Self-registration for new users is disabled.
I like the “invite anyone”-plugin. But there is one problem: It displays an option to invite new members directly via mail. Even though I was able to hide this option for all users but the administrators, I’d like to disable this function entirely. Is there any option for doing this?
I would even be satisfied with a simple CSS-Code that hides the line “Want to invite someone to the group who is not yet a member of the site? Send invitations by email.” – Unfortunately, this line does not have any specific class or id that I could use as a selector for my CSS.
I’d be really glad if you could help me to disable this option – or give me a hint on how to make it invisible.
Thank you very much! Commons i a box is awesome! 🙂