I’ve been trying to troubleshoot a scenario where a group member posts a new topic to a forum and two things happen: (1) the post content is stripped out and (2) the topic is marked as spam and is hidden.
I thought that this might have been a result of posting copy-pasted content from a word-processed document in Google docs or Word, but I watched as a student downloaded a Google doc as plain text, inserted the content, posted, and had the post go straight to spam.
I’ve tried to reproduce this behavior with a test user but can’t find a pattern. I created a Google doc with dummy text, formatted it, downloaded it as plain text, composed it in “Text” view and posted. It was published as expected.
However, I did create one test post that went to spam. I’m not sure what distinguished it from the other tests.
In general, I’m wondering what BuddyPress is looking for when it decides to mark a post as spam automatically.