Courseware CSS and CIABOX
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Tagged: courseware
Hi there,
ist threre anybody using Commons in a Box with Buddypress Courseware? And if so, is there anyone who has created his own custom CSS for Courseware? Maybe it´s designed for the CBOX-Theme?
I´m using the great Commons In A Box plugin and theme and I want to customize the courseware CSS, but I have some problems with it. I´m looking forward to your answers and your help.
Thanks a lot!
I started with Buddypress Courseware, but there is a new version being rolled in the next few weeks ( so I stopped working in anticipation of a completely new plugin being rolled out.
Perhaps, when the new version is available, we should set up a courseware group where we could effectively help each other?
Hi Eugene!
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, it´s true, there´s a new CW-version comming soon.
My problem is, that I need a solution as soon as possible, because the learning-projekt shall start in the next days.
But of course, yes, we could set up a courseware-group. 🙂 It would be great!
How did you get around courseware wanting forums activated in the Buddypress settings and deactivated for CBOX?
ist threre anybody using Commons in a Box with Buddypress Courseware? And if so, is there anyone who has created his own custom CSS for Courseware? Maybe it´s designed for the CBOX-Theme?
The CBOX theme has not been tested with BuddyPress Courseware yet. Depending on how busy the theme developers are, this will not be addressed until then; I’ll post a support ticket so they can look into it.
How did you get around courseware wanting forums activated in the Buddypress settings and deactivated for CBOX?
CBOX has not done any extensive testing with using both bbPress and BuddyPress’ built-in forums at the same time.
I see this conflicts with BuddyPress Courseware’s Assignments module as Courseware requires the built-in forums that come with BuddyPress and not bbPress:
Until one of the team has had a chance to look into how bbPress and BP’s forums can coexist, at this time, you’ll have to omit this optional feature for now.
I’ll allocate some time to look into this. In the meantime, if you are using the upcoming version of Courseware and can ask the developer what the plans are for forum integration and bbPress (the plugin), that would be great.
I´ve solved my problem:
I´ve analyzed the Courseware Css with the help of Firebug in the browser. There I´ve detected the courseware-IDs.
After that I customized the IDs in the CBOX Theme Options -> Global -> Custom Css.
However, you´re tips are welcome! 🙂
(I´m sorry for some bad english)
Great job!
Hoping for more conversation and tips about this great theme! 😀
really want to use Buddypress Courseware with CBOX theme. Any news ? still 0.9.7, no update since 2012 and I see that the Great Architect of the Multiverse Boone Gorges is mention as “authors” on the repository page…
I think that Boone contributed to BP Courseware at an early stage (and in
an advisory capacity), but the main architect of the project was Stas
Sușcov. Not sure whether he’s still working on it, but you can contact him
for more info: .
“After years of involvement in open source I started building startups for fun and profit”
Hum, ok. I wrote him a email… wait and see…
on the support forum in the topic “its broken and has no support” somebody says “You are absolutely correct and I can’t believe how many hours I spent trying to get this potentially great plugin to work! I believe it should be taken down so others don’t waste as much time as I did.”
I believe it should be… integrate in the commons in box 😀
“I believe it should be… integrate in the commons in box”
Not sure whether or not that will happen, but I *can* tell you that we are planning to work on having CBOX come in different “flavors,” with various themes and plugins and settings already set up, and one of them is a teaching version of CBOX. Not sure whether we’ll include BP Courseware in that (we probably won’t if the code is out of date and needs extensive work), but we will be working towards a version of CBOX that is customized as a teaching platform.
Wow.. this would be fantastic. My limited ability had meant I had abandoned all hope of including a teaching platform for my site.
I’m excited, too. For a live example of a professor using CBOX for a
course, check out
Good news Matthew ! Thanks
You’re planning to develop a special CBOX plugin or integrate another existing one ?
Stas says to me “Unfortunately I’m a bit busy right now, so I can not help you very soon, but if you have contributions, I will be glad to review and merge those.”
So he won’t make the change to fit with CBOX but he will be here if we have questions about how he wrote the code…