• Michelle Kassorla joined the group Group logo of CBOX Classic SupportCBOX Classic Support 11 years, 9 months ago

    • I know there will be some obvious answer to this, but I can’t, for the life of me, figure it out right now. How do I get a list of my members to appear on the “members” page? There is nothing there. Is there a shortcode for it? Thanks!

      • You have to make sure that your BuddyPress pages are attached properly.

        Login to the WP dashboard. Navigate to “Settings > BuddyPress”.
        Next, click on the “Pages” tab. Make sure the “Members” dropdown is attached to your “Members” page and save.

        FYI, in the future, can you post a new forum topic and not a status update?

        New forum topics can be created here:
