Liz Brown replied to the topic Upgrading guidelines in the forum
Help & Support 10 years ago
I’ve read a basic upgrading wordpress document, which is useful, and I’m looking for guidance on compatibility and versions for the whole Commons shebang. I’m now attaching the current versions on my multisite installation, which might provide more context!
Liz Brown started the topic Upgrading guidelines in the forum
Help & Support 10 years ago
Hi, I haven’t posted newbie questions for a while, so I think I’m due! I also haven’t upgraded WordPress, BuddyPress, or CBOX since I created my multisite Commons site a year ago….and I need to get things upgraded so that third-party plugins will work properly. I’m nervous about upgrading because I am the only one dealing with my site, and I…[Read more]
Liz Brown replied to the topic The new MLA Commons in the forum
CBOX Pioneers 10 years, 8 months ago
ooooh! Nice! Love the way the active members looks as a vertical display, too.
Liz Brown replied to the topic Weird gibberish in recent netowrkwide posts, help! in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 8 months ago
Ah, I am thinking you are right—it looks fine on my browser, but might not on other browsers! I don’t know if the feed gets refreshed—I don’t think it does. I don’t know how to edit it, but perhaps someone with knowledge of that might weigh in, that would be really helpful!
I will definitely remove that formatting, in the meantime, thanks!!
Liz Brown replied to the topic Weird gibberish in recent netowrkwide posts, help! in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 8 months ago
Hmm I did copy and paste, but from another webpage.
I should say that the gobbledy-gook is not in the blog post itself (that looks fine) but in the widget area for network-wide blog posts. That’s where I’d like to either delete the post or edit. I changed it to just display the most recent blog post in the meantime so did get the weird code off…[Read more]
Liz Brown started the topic Weird gibberish in recent netowrkwide posts, help! in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I had a weird experience with one of my blog posts, which generated the following on the recent networkwide blog posts area on my Commons site. I don’t know of any way to edit or delete the posts that show up in this widget. Is that possible, and if so, how? this looks pretty terrible. Also, what is that stuff, and why did it post that way?…[Read more]
Matthew K Gold and
Liz Brown are now friends 10 years, 8 months ago
Liz Brown replied to the topic Blogs connected to groups didn’t have their posts show up in Recent Blog Posts in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, <span class=”user-nicename”>@iurie</span>, thanks for sharing this! I don’t know anything about CSS—-I would have to get someone else to help me with that—but perhaps I’ll give this a try and see if it might work for me. I need to keep some of my network blogs connected to the groups, so I made the decision to just not worry that people in…[Read more]
Liz Brown started the topic Why does invite anyone result in different user roles for different groups? in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
While wondering about why different things were showing up in different test user accounts’ view of the “My Sites” in the site tracking directory – see https://commonsinabox.org/groups/help-support/forum/topic/site-tracking-directory-my-site-question – I came across something puzzling that I haven’t been able to find anything about in searching…[Read more]
Liz Brown replied to the topic Site Tracking Directory "My Site" Question in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, @r-a-y, thanks so much for this helpful answer! Now it all makes sense. Since the sites are going to be private, I am happy with them displaying from the My Sites in the toolbar so that the users can find the sites. (I am using a plugin that would allow me to remove the My Sites altogether, but what I think I need is something that would allow…[Read more]
Liz Brown started the topic Site Tracking Directory "My Site" Question in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, it’s been over a week since my last newbie question, so here is the latest. I am getting close to releasing the “members only” part of the MUSE Commons site (for our member publishers), and I just realized that under “My Sites” under “Blogs” (the Site tracking directory), my test user account sees one of the blogs the account is a member of,…[Read more]
Liz Brown replied to the topic Commons Emails Only Go to People with same domain in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
oh, and thanks also, Ray, for your response. This is good to keep in mind for the future.
Liz Brown replied to the topic Commons Emails Only Go to People with same domain in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, again, just want to report back that my sys admin fixed this for me, and it’s working! What a relief, and thanks again for verifying that it was an email system situation and not something I inadvertently had done somewhere in the settings.
Liz Brown replied to the topic Commons Emails Only Go to People with same domain in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi Boone, thank you so much! this makes a lot of sense (even to a not-tech person such as I). I was going to talk with my IT person this morning and now I’m armed with some good information and suggestions.
Liz Brown started the topic Commons Emails Only Go to People with same domain in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, today I realized that emails generated from my Commons site simply do not reach email addresses that are not jhu.edu. I had noticed that my test accounts that I set up with yahoo and gmail did not receive emails (checked the spam folder) and had meant to address that, but I’ve now had a couple of testers at other universities who also never…[Read more]
Liz Brown replied to the topic Anyone have an "invitation only" or members only site?? in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
thanks, Matt!
Liz Brown replied to the topic Anyone have an "invitation only" or members only site?? in the forum
Help & Support 10 years, 10 months ago
I thought I had replied to this, but thanks so much for pointing me to the invite anyone plug in. I was thinking this plugin was not going to be that useful for me since I don’t want people to be inviting other people, but the ability to dump in a bunch of emails AND choose the appropriate groups seems exactly what I need.
The only downside is…[Read more]
Liz Brown replied to the topic Project MUSE Commons in the forum
CBOX Pioneers 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi, @mkgold, thanks so much for the lovely compliment! We would be really pleased to be added to the showcase.
Thank you!
Liz Brown started the topic Project MUSE Commons in the forum
CBOX Pioneers 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi, it looks like this is where you go to provide a link to your Commons site so it can be added to the showcase? At any rate, I don’t think we’re CBOX pioneers per se, but happy to introduce our new beta commons site (and this way when I ask newbie questions, people can see what I’m referring to!)
Project MUSE…[Read more]
Liz Brown joined the group
CBOX Pioneers 10 years, 11 months ago
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