• Amelia Manders posted an update in the group Group logo of CBOX Classic SupportCBOX Classic Support 11 years, 8 months ago


    After the installation of CBox I immediately received this notification.

    Thanks for updating BuddyPress Docs. We need to run a few quick operations before your new Docs is ready to use.

    Click here to start the upgrade.

    When I start the upgrade it just gets stuck in a loop of refreshing the screen over and over.

    Any advice?

    • Hi Amelia,

      I’ve encountered this bug myself. I’m going to forward this issue to the developer.

      Thanks for posting!

    • Hi Amelia,
      Thanks so much for downloading CBOX and jumping in. We appreciate your support! Our Development team is working their way through various tasks we’ll take a look at your question soon.