Hi Mary – that’s such a great use for the OpenLab! It would be awesome to have something like that at City Tech too! On our OpenLab we have a couple of things that go in that direction, but nothing as robust as you describe. We know, though, that some faculty definitely use the OpenLab as a resource when advising students, since they can show students any open courses in their discipline.
Anyway, here are things that came to mind off the top of our heads (there may be others):
The English department’s Literature Committee (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/literature/) has a site that lists all the course offerings, in some cases including links to faculty profiles on the OpenLab, along with other literature-related initiatives. In the past, when there’s been a special topics course or other course that needs advertising, they’ve made posters that are shared via email, print, and on this site too.
The Math department has an OpenLab site (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/mathematics-department/) that includes links to “Course Hubs” for some courses – these were created by a group of faculty as part of an initiative we ran this summer and are designed to provide information about individual courses for students and faculty. The course hubs are used with “Model Courses”: these were also created by faculty as part of this summer’s initiative and are designed for colleagues to clone and use with their students.
The follow sites are faculty-facing, but perhaps still interesting: the Communication Design department is building a pedagogy site (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/comd-pedagogy/) – it includes a list of courses, some of which have model courses associated with them. The English First Year Writing program also developed a single course hub for faculty (https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/fyw-pedagogy/), along with model courses.
Hope some of this is remotely relevant! Happy to discuss more any time!