Donmik, the developer of the BuddyPress Xprofile customs fields types plugin provided a script to insert in the theme register, to get the custom profile fields descrriptions to display between the field title and box/data and not beneeth it as it is right now.
jQuery('p.description').each(function() {
// Saving the parent div.
var parent = jQuery(this).parent();
// Searching for first label: Title of field.
var label = parent.find('>label:first');
if (label.length == 0) {
// Searching for the title of field when field is checkbox.
label = parent.find('span.label');
// Writing a copy of description after label.
// Removing the original description.
Where do I insert this code? He said if it was the buddypress standard code it would be in:
What’s the equivalent in the standard Cbox theme? And where do I find it?