Member Profile privacy
- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by .
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Hi all
It is very important to hide my member’s profiles information on my site. I was under the impression that this was now packages with BP, but cannot find it.
Suggestions welcome.
Hi there’s an option to make some privacy/visibility settings default and changeable by user through user/add new profile field, but this does not seem to work. Defaults don’t apply and setting doesn’t apply as an option for members even when the box is checked. Is this a bug? Or something to activate?
I am finding the same issue, Defaults don’t apply in user/add new profile field
In the same area there are the following options:
Per-Member Visibility
Let members change the this field’s visibility
These options are not available when editing your profile
This looks like a bug. I will open up a ticket on this. Thanks for discovering.
Thanks Scott! As I’m new, what type of time frame are we contemplating when it comes to fix bugs?
Hi Helene – You can track progress on this at GitHub –
I’m really not sure – largely depends on how difficult it is to fix and the dev team’s schedule. I think there will be a minor release early next week – but I doubt the dev team will have time to include this.
In general, I think releases have been happening every 2 or 3 weeks.
Hi Scott, there are other issues with the profile fields. The text boxes don’t take all html tags. So you can’t really optimize a description text. You can’t embed logos or images. I would like for example to be able to insert something like that in a profile text box:
<div id=”move-commons-badge”><div xmlns:foaf=”” xmlns:mc=”” xmlns:skos=”” about=”” typeof=”mc:Collective”></div><div property=”foaf:name” content=”Commons Abundance Network”></div><div rel=”foaf:homepage” href=””></div><div rel=”mc:moveCommonsType” resource=”[mc:NonProfit]”></div><div rel=”mc:moveCommonsType” resource=”[mc:Reproducible]”></div><div rel=”mc:moveCommonsType” resource=”[mc:ReinforcesCommons]”></div><div rel=”mc:moveCommonsType” resource=”[mc:GrassRoots]”></div><div rel=”mc:focusesIn” resource=”[mc:Town]”></div><div about=”#” typeof=”skos:Concept”></div><a href=””><img src=”×31-0.1.png” alt=”Move Commons Non-Profit, Reproducible, Reinforcing the Town/community/society Commons, Grassroots” /></a><p>Move Commons Non-Profit, Reproducible, Reinforcing the Town/community/society Commons, Grassroots</p></div>
Or an image…
Hi Helene – the profile field functionality is built into BuddyPress. I don’t know if the developers at BuddyPress have any plans to enhance them to allow images. I did notice that there is a plugin called BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types ( that provides some more options, but sadly does not allow images – though there is some interest in it – see
Thanks Scott. In reference to my MoveCommons Icon/badge generation at the profile level, how could we get to ask the questions ( and generate the semantic code and icons the same way they do it in the form (or similarly as creative-commons widgets do)? Are there/could there be any ‘badge generation’ widgets or fields at the profile level?
Hi Helene – Just to let you know – the Dev team is currently working on an enhancement to the profile page for the CUNY Academic Commons. It will include a bunch of widgets that will allow members to create online CV’s and include feeds and pictures. But that is a major development effort and probably won’t be available for 2 or 3 months. It should trickle down into CBOX, and maybe even into BuddyPress. I imagine others will want to develop site specific widgets to address their needs.
Very good! I put all my weight (and the weight of the Commons Abundance Network) in accelerating this process! 🙂
The commons abundance network is set to attract much of the ‘commons movement’ people and organizations and beyond. We are working on forwarding commons based approaches at various levels including the UN. There’s a big conference on the commons in Berlin mid May where we will have our official launch of the Commons Abundance Network. This is probably quite a ‘captive audience’ for Cbox, so it might make sense for Cbox that we showcase things in their advance form, if it’s just a matter of days…