How can I add more links/pages to the menu below the logo area. And since one will be for the BuddyPress forum what else do I need to do to get it up and running.
Also, I have read on the Commons site that its better to use bbPress oppose to the BuddyPress, but when I look in my WP I see that BuddyPress is whats activate. Please advise.
See my specification below as required.
- Infinity Version: 1.1b
- Developer Mode: Disabled
- BuddyPress: 2.6.2
- MySQL: 5.5.51
- Permalinks: custom
- PHP: 5.6.27
- WordPress: 4.6.1
- WordPress multisite: no
- Current theme: Commons In A Box version 1.0.13
<h4>Active Plugins</h4>
- bbPress: 2.5.10
- BP Group Announcements: 1.0.5
- BuddyPress Docs: 1.9.1
- BuddyPress Docs Wiki add-on: 1.0.10
- BuddyPress Group Email Subscription: 3.6.0
- BuddyPress Reply By Email: 1.0-RC4
- CAC Featured Content: 1.0.7
- Commons In A Box: 1.0.13
- Contact Form 7: 4.5.1
- Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress: 0.3.1
- Google Analytics: 1.0.7
- Invite Anyone: 1.3.11
- iThemes Security: 5.7.1
- Limit Login Attempts: 1.7.1
- Yoast SEO: 3.8