Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the tip. I have some vague notions and the capacity to learn but very little time. One of the reason we chose commons in a box was because it was… in a box… This creates some expectations. 🙂
Getting help from a coder for customized features and styles is one thing. Getting to fix out of the box plugins and features meant to be compatible that are buggy is another, probably more difficult…
We are in the process of raising funds to develop the website, but for this we need to show activity and minimal features that work.
I hope someone can help us with this. Also I don’t know which plugin operates the (wiki) most recent/active widgets, if its buddypress itself (what I assume) or another plugin…
For the sitewide activity, I already asked the plugin author for some advice.
Now if someone can direct me to an activity plugin widget that looks ok with the Cbox theme, or share a snippet of code to make it look good, it would be welcome. I would be surprised if no website in the community provides activity lists…
Thanks a lot.