Every time I install a new plugin i received the error below. After i hit back all is normal. Everything works but the error is distracting.
If i unistall commons in a box all is normal.
Any help is appreciated. I’m using plugin ver 1.0.6 latest.
I have a fresh new installation of wp. I got of rid of the multi site feature. When i had that feature i didn’t have this problem before.
Not sure why it happened. I went to line 509 but can’t be sure what to do.
Obviously c-i-a-box is taking control of the plugins.
I also see this error in the setting of the pluging.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-content/themes/cbox-theme/engine/api/options.php on line 426
———-line 509———-
$deactivated = call_user_func( array( ‘Plugin_Dependencies’, “deactivate_$type” ), (array) $_REQUEST[‘plugin’] );
Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, cannot access protected method Plugin_Dependencies::deactivate_conflicting() in /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/commons-in-a-box/lib/wp-plugin-dependencies/plugin-dependencies.php on line 509
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/commons-in-a-box/lib/wp-plugin-dependencies/plugin-dependencies.php:509) in /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 896
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/commons-in-a-box/lib/wp-plugin-dependencies/plugin-dependencies.php:509) in /hxxx/xxx/pubxx/xxxx/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 896