Salome replied to the topic Where is my groups menu ? in the forum
Help & Support 8 years ago
Thank you Ray, mine is working too!! Brilliant!
Salome Combrink replied to the topic Styling of my left menus in Forums in the forum
Help & Support 8 years ago
Hi Ray
Thank you for the reply. When I am in the single group page my unique sidebar menu is not showing up at all. Is there something I can try to see if it works? Do you think it’s to do with the CSS or maybe the installation? I attach a screen clip of the part I don’t see in my single group view
Thanks for your help
Salome's profile was updated 8 years ago
Salome Combrink replied to the topic Styling of my left menus in Forums in the forum
Help & Support 8 years ago
Please find the other attachment.
Salome Combrink replied to the topic Styling of my left menus in Forums in the forum
Help & Support 8 years ago
Hi Ray
Thank you for your reply. I just want to check if I explained it correctly. I attach a screen clip of the look of my menus on the side, and then of you group menus I like mine to look like. Thanks for your help.
Salome Combrink started the topic Styling of my left menus in Forums in the forum
Help & Support 8 years ago
Hi there
I am a bit new to cbox, so this was probably posted before. I wonder if someone can direct me to the information on how to change my side menus to look as neat as this forum/group. I have installed the child theme but not sure what changes to make. My side menus display as a bullet list.
Thank you
Salome joined the group
CBOX Classic Support 8 years ago
Salome became a registered member 8 years ago