Tom Davis replied to the topic Hacks & Options in the forum Help & Support 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi Greg,
A Cbox site I support was also hacked recently with what looks like similar results as your site.
Doing a Google search with the “site:” operator shows similar spammy results. ( site:planetearthlings.org ) Look several pages into the search results to see the spam.
I would not be too hasty to blame plugins – I feel like companies just…[Read more]
Tom Davis replied to the topic WordPress 4.7 and bbPress in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
Thanks for that info. Late yesterday I realized that if I disabled the CBox plugin, I could update bbPress. so I did that, the re-enabled CBox – that worked. Your solution is probably better.
Tom Davis started the topic WordPress 4.7 and bbPress in the forum Help & Support 8 years ago
After our site updated to WP4.7 the forums page is now a blank. Looking around I see some mentions that we should update to bbPress 2.5.12. (we are on 2.5.10) But it appears that is not so easy in Commons in a Box.
Do we have to wait for a general CBox update? Or is there a way to update bbPress independently?
Tom Davis replied to the topic How to display 'Biographical Info' field in BuddyPress profile in the forum Help & Support 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi Scott,
While this did not get me all the way there, it did open a new avenue that lead me to the solution.
In the members/member-header.php file of the theme (child theme of course) I added:
<p><?php the_author_meta(‘description’,bp_displayed_user_id()); ?></p>
just after the beginning of the “item-meta” div.
This was exactly what I…[Read more]
Tom Davis started the topic How to display 'Biographical Info' field in BuddyPress profile in the forum Help & Support 8 years, 3 months ago
Is there a way to display the field in the WP profile titled “Biographical Info” (I think it is named “description” internally) in the BuddPress profile page that other members see?
I am trying to achieve a page that gives Name, Biographical Info, then all the extended profile fields.
Tom Davis joined the group CBOX Classic Support 8 years, 3 months ago
Tom Davis became a registered member 8 years, 6 months ago