Hi @beccah –
CBOX has two types of forums – I think most CBOX sites use group forums. You’ll need to create a group, and in that dialog, click the check box that confirms that you want a forum for your group. Or if you are an admin of an existing group, simply go to the group’s settings and enable its forum.
Alternatively, you can create a forum that is open to all members. Go to your dashboard Forums>>New Forums to create one. Take note of the slug – you can modify and use that in your menu to access it.
@beccah & @investa –
In terms of the registration page – have you tried to go to Settings>>BuddyPress>>Pages ? There you can create a Register and Activate Pages. Once those are created, you’ll need to change the settings at Settings>>General to say that for “Membership” anyone can register.
That seemed to work for my (very beat up) test site. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you guys.