• Guy Nave joined the group Group logo of CBOX Classic SupportCBOX Classic Support 12 years, 1 month ago

    • Hello, everyone. I am brand new to CIB family and excited about getting my site up. Any one have any simple “how to” instructions for loading pictures into my homepage slider?

    • Hello Guy,

      It does depend on what theme you’re using
      If you’re using the Cbox theme:
      Dashboard>site features>add feature> Add at least title, and an image.

      As you have multiple images, a selector shows up, and they rotate.

      You can do the same thing/similar with other themes, but the method will be different

      Hope this helps

    • Left out a step,
      again, assuming your using Cbox theme:

      Dashboard>site features>add feature> Add at least title, and an image.
      Be sure to add “featured Image”

      Featured image should show in the slider, you can have multiple images in the post.

    • Thanks. I finally figured it out after playing with for a while (the “featured image” piece was the last piece of the equation). I appreciate your reply; it confirms what my “trial and error” process revealed.